When I was a little kid I wanted desperately to write for the Weekly World News. Trust me, I know, it's odd. Even as a kid I knew it was odd. I've never claimed to be normal. The idea of just making random crap up for a living seemed pretty exciting to me for whatever reason. I was an only child and had a big imagination, so sue me.
Eventually, I ended up pursuing film (my true love) and majored in Film in college with a concentration in Screenwriting. When people ask, I tend to say that I majored in bullshit since essentially I did. I got to make things up all day and then sell it to people as if it was the most fucking awesome thing in the world even when it wasn't. That's not to say that I don't take my craft (God, my fingertips just ooze pretentiousness as I type that), because I do, and there are plenty of projects that I'm serious about. However, let's face the facts, boys and girls, a lot of low budget ridiculous crap gets punched out on a daily basis.
Case in point.
The SyFy Channel.
SyFy original movies fascinate me simply because of how ridiculous they are. It makes you wonder if these are just a bunch of people who grew up wanting to write for the Weekly World News and instead got adopted by a basic cable channel. Instincts would lead me to believe that they're doing it for a camp factor or the lulz but on the same note, you never know. The filmmakers of Killer Klowns From Outer Space were serious when they made that movie. If you listen to the commentary on the DVD they think that people love it because it's a frightening film and not quite possibly the best bad movie ever made.
A month back or so SyFy announced they were accepting fan written ideas. This led me to think, "Well hell, this is close to Weekly World News!" They probably have the same writing method which just includes throwing darts at a wall full of words. Let us not forget this is the network that brought us Dinoshark, Megafault, and Stonehenge Apocalypse.
When they want to they can put out some good programming (Alice, The Lost Room) but pffft that isn't blogworthy and fun, now is it?
So by popular demand - and by that I mean the request of one person - I will now be blogging my cracktastic SyFy Original Movie ideas. Sometimes complete with atrocious photoshop and cringeworthy dialogue... not to mention casting!
Enjoy yourself, children.
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